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Solitaire - Demon Solitaire

Descripción: This is another extremely fun solitaire to play. The aim of this game is to move all the cards to the foundation At the beginning of the game, 13 cards will be dealt to the the bottom left corner, 4 cards will be dealt to the bottom right corner, and a card will be put in the foundation. All the piles in the foundation must start with number on the card that is put in the foundation. The foundation cards must have the same suit and stacked in ascending order of the numbers, wrapping from King to Ace if necessary. Tip: Cards can be put to the tableau piles temporarily, the tableau cards must be built up in alternating colours and in descending order, wrapping from Ace to King if necessary. When a tableau pile is empty, it must be filled with a card from the reserve, if the reserve is also empty, then it can be filled by any card. Click the stock pile (the upper left corner) to open new cards. There are unlimited redeals for the stock cards, but score will be deducted for each redeal. Now give this amazingly fun game of Demon Solitaire a try, you will not regret it!

Instrucciones: Move all the cards to the foundation (upper right corner). The foundation piles must be built with cards of the same suit and in ascending order, wrapping from K to A if necessary. The tableau piles (the cards below the foundation) must be built in alternating colours and in decending order, wrapping from A to K if necessary.

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